First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation

If you have a homeschooled or Family Catechesis student receiving First Holy Communion, First Reconciliation, or Confirmation within this school year, you must register your students(s). For homeschool families (i.e. not through Saint Agnes’ Family Catechesis program), please complete the registration form below. If the student is preparing for reception of the sacraments through Family Catechesis, please click here to navigate to the Family Catechesis page, which contains a distinct registration form. If you have questions or concerns, please contact

Please note that you may have to scroll through the form below to answer the questions and complete the registration process.

Parents are the primary teachers of the Catholic Faith to their children regardless of whether the children are homeschooled, enrolled in Family Catechesis or students at Saint Agnes School. It is essential that parents exemplify and re-enforce the Catholic Faith in their homes.

Parents must either register their children in Saint Agnes School, Family Catechesis or register their Homeschooled children in order to receive sacraments. Link to register is above.

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion at the Church of Saint Agnes 

Thanks to the wonderful advocacy for Reconciliation and Holy Communion of Pope St. Pius X, children are allowed to receive these Sacraments at the age of reason, 7 years of age. Typically, this means the child is in the second grade, however, reaching the age of 7 does not guarantee that the child is mentally and emotionally ready for the Sacraments. The child must have an understanding of sin and contrition as well as understand that the bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of Christ. Parental judgement and involvement is very important in determining a child's readiness.  

First Reconciliation will be made prior to First Holy Communion, which is scheduled in May. 

First Holy Communion is offered in both the Ordinary Form (English) and Extraordinary Form (Latin, 1962 Missal) at Saint Agnes. Preparation does not vary depending on which Form is desired. First Holy Communion in the Ordinary Form is received at a special Saturday morning Mass. First Holy Communion in the Extraordinary Form is received the following day (Sunday) at the regularly scheduled 8:00 AM EF Mass. You will be asked to indicate OF or EF at a later date.

Most children fit into one of the following groups, each of which has its own requirements for Sacrament preparation. Please refer to the appropriate group to learn the requirements for your child. 

Confirmation at the Church of Saint Agnes

Confirmation is offered every year in the Ordinary Form (English, 1969 Missal). The requirements below apply to all children seeking Confirmation regardless of which Form is desired. Please contact with any questions or concerns or leave a message at the parish office.

Age of Confirmation

It is our tradition at Saint Agnes (and common practice throughout the Archdiocese) to present our youth for the Sacrament of Confirmation in eighth grade.


Attendance at parish sacramental classes is required. Homeschooling families are asked to use an approved curriculum to prepare their child. The list of approved curriculum is as follows:

  • The Didache Series

  • New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism Books One and Two

  • New St. Joseph First Communion Catechism

  • Seton Homeschool Religion books

  • Faith and Life series

  • Image of God series

  • Our Holy Faith (TAN Books)

  • Formed in Christ (TAN Books, featured in TAN Academy)

  • Spirit of Truth (The Sophia Institute)

We recognize that this is not an all-inclusive list of options. If you are using a curriculum not found on this list, please contact the pastor.

When you register your family, we will make sure that any of your children who are receiving First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are registered and will communicate all necessary dates as the year progresses. 

Please contact or call the parish office if you have additional questions. We will request the documentation required and be the primary source of communication with homeschooling families about events associated with Confirmation. 


Attendance at monthly Family Catechesis and parish sacramental classes is required. The curriculum used is the New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism. Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion is typically over a two-year period, 1st and 2nd grade. Preparation for Confirmation is typically over a three-year period spanning the 6th, 7th and 8th grades. This means that if you have a sixth grader, you need to enroll in Family Catechesis so that they are fully prepared for the sacrament.  Those enrolled in Family Catechesis will ordinarily be confirmed in their 8th grade year.

When you register your family, we will make sure that any of your children who are receiving the sacraments are registered and will communicate all necessary dates as the year progresses. 

Please note that Family Catechesis is open to all Saint Agnes families, regardless of whether they are in a traditional school setting or homeschooled. 

Requirements for Students Registered at Saint Agnes School

If your child is registered as a student at Saint Agnes School, they will be prepared for sacraments during at the appropriate grade level. Their primary catechist is the religion teacher. Saint Agnes clergy also visits the classes to discuss specific topics related to the sacraments.

All school students are also required to attend a one-day retreat offered at the school and, if being confirmed, to take a written test to measure their readiness to receive the sacrament. The school religion teacher will register the children to receive the sacrament and ensure that parents receive communication about important dates.