Pastor’s Welcome
The Church of Saint Agnes has been a beacon of hope in the Frogtown neighborhood of St. Paul since 1887. Today, the graceful onion dome of our bell tower heralds the Church’s mission to invite all people to open the doors of their hearts to Jesus Christ. Through the reverent celebration of the Sacred Liturgy and our commitment to the Latin liturgical and musical tradition, the Church of Saint Agnes serves as a gateway to the beauty and truth for which the human heart so desperately yearns.
All beauty comes from God, emanating from the Father through Jesus Christ, Himself the embodiment of all beauty. In a famous passage from his Confessions, St. Augustine addresses God as Beauty personified: “Late have I loved You, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved You!” (Lib. X, 26, 38)
This website serves as the virtual door to our parish, dedicated to truth, beauty and goodness in all aspects of parish life, especially the celebration of the sacraments. I invite you to browse our website, exploring the ways that you can become involved, as together we seek to fulfill our mission to teach and live the fullness of the truth of Jesus Christ and His Church.
I also invite you to visit our school’s website site to learn about our vibrant (800+ students) and faithfully Catholic school, the only parish sponsored PreK-12 Roman Catholic school in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
I look forward to seeing you here at Saint Agnes.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. John L. Ubel